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MEDKOR (Pty)LTD is a Level 4 B-BBEE empowerment contributor
Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) is designed to address inequalities in the workplace and to contribute to sustained economic growth, development and social transformation.
We fully supports the B-BBEE ideal and application of its principles in the business operations, targeting initiatives for management control, employment equity, skills development, preferential procurement, enterprise development and socio-economic development.
We will:
Ensure that its workforce is representative of KwaZulu-Natal Provincial and South African demographics in terms of race, gender and disability at all levels and that development plans are in place to achieve this objective;
Accelerate the involvement of Black people in operational, professional and executive decision-making, by way of focused skills development programmes;
Implement a targeted procurement strategy geared to increasing procurement from companies which have made significant progress in the area of B-BBEE;
Strive towards creating opportunities and adopt a developmental and transformational approach to initiatives linked to the socio-economic development of KwaZulu-Natal’s disadvantaged communities through a comprehensive Corporate Social Investment Programme.
Employment Equity
We are dedicated to the principles of equity, non-discrimination and diversity. It seeks to reflect the diversity of the South African society, maximising the human resource potential of its people. The organisation's employment equity is intent:
To transform and maintain that we as a non-racial and non-sexist organisation endeavour;
To identify and remove barriers and practices, including unfair discrimination, hampering the employment and advancement of designated groups;
To implement specific affirmative action measures to ensure an equitable work environment for employees from designated groups;
To embrace and nurture diversity within the organisation through the implementation of diversity initiatives; and
To ensure that the people of South Africa are adequately and appropriately represented within the workplace.
Our employment equity principles are to ensure the prohibition and combating of unfair discrimination throughout the organisation;
Create an organisational culture built on the foundation pillars of diversity, equality and dignity for all in the workplace.